Top Ten Consultancy
Diversity & Inclusion
The Economist
est. 2009
Hewlett Consulting Partners is a boutique consultancy, founded in 2009, focused on helping companies leverage top talent across the divides of: GENDER, RACE, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GEOGRAPHY.
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Introducing Sylvia's latest book:
Executive Presence 2.0

In this updated and expanded edition of her celebrated book Executive Presence: The Missing Link Between Merit and Success, one of the world’s most influential business thinkers reveals the qualities essential to leadership in our post-pandemic and increasingly diverse world. Some are timeless (confidence, decisiveness), some are brand new (the ability to command Zoom), and all are game-changers.

Sylvia Fireside ChatSylvia EP Keynote
Executive Presence 2.0: Leadership in an Age of Inclusion launched at Citi's headquarters to an enthusiastic 700 person audience. The audience included thirty-something-year-olds as well as seasoned leaders who were fascinated by Sylvia's vivid examples of authenticity-in-action.
Companies large and small recognize innovation as today's primary business imperative. Yet most companies underutilize their most powerful source of innovation potential: diverse ideas, solutions and insights from their own talent pool. 
When great ideas are heard and recognized, no matter how or where they originate, innovation blooms and companies flourish.
Working with top-tier clients worldwide, HCP drives measurable improvements in a company's ability to harness
quality and diversity of talent.
Using research-driven methods, we actively partner with an organization's leadership and workforce in a process of engaged transformation.
The diversity of Hewlett Consulting Partners' clients is a testament to our reach and impact. We meet the needs of organizations employing over a quarter million people to those with just a few hundred. Combined, our clients employ over 2.1 million employees and operate in more than 190 countries in diverse sectors.
American ExpressCartierJohnson & JohnsonGoogleGoldman SachsJ. P. MorganThe Department of StateIntelCiscoMGM ResortsCBREDraft KingsSiemensErnst & YoungWalt DisneyAIGThe World BankCentral Intelligence AgencyLondon Business SchoolSullivan & Cromwell
Led by economist and author Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Hewlett Consulting Partners has explored the barriers and opportunities facing diverse talent – across gender, generation and culture – and pointed to the solutions and opportunities that enable companies to win in the global marketplace.

Explore Sylvia's publications below

The Sponsor Effect Book CoverHarvard Business Review
20% of White Employees Have Sponsors. Only 5% of Black Employees Do
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Find a Sponsor Book CoverHarvard Business Review
Sponsoring a Protege - Remotely
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Executive Presence Book CoverHarvard Business Review
How Diversity Can Drive Innovation
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Vaulting the Color BarS+B
How to Keep Perceived Bias from Holding Back High-Potential Employees
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Growing Global Executives Book CoverHarvard Business Review
The Relationship You Need to Get Right
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Off Ramps On Ramps Book CoverFinancial Times
The #MeToo Movement After Weinstein
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Winning the War for Talent Book CoverHarvard Business Review
Want to Be a Better Manger
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Me Too Book CoverHarvard Business Review
The Real Benefit of Finding a Sponsor
Read More

Selected Keynotes:

Out in the World: Securing LGBTQ Rights in the Global Marketplace
Mobile World Congress 
Innovation, Diversity and New Market Growth
New York Stock Exchange 
Mission Critical: Unlocking the Value of Veterans in the Workplace
Financial Times Conference Women at the Top 
Gender Smarts in the C-Suite

Selected Presentations:

Executive Presence: Cracking the Code in 2021
MGM Resorts
Pathways to Sponsorship
Blizzard Entertainment
Executive Presence 2.0
Advancing Black Talent
Goldman Sachs
Sponsorship: Tools and Tactics that Ensure Success
The Sponsor Effect
Draft Kings
#MeToo in the Corporate World: Power, Privilege and the Path Forward in 2019
Off Ramps and On Ramps: Keeping Talented Women on the Road to Success
Growing Global Executives: the New Competencies
Seduction and Risk: The Emergence of Extreme Jobs
The Athena Factor: Reversing the Brain Drain in Science, Engineering and Technology
Mission Critical: Unlocking the Value of Veterans in the Workforce
New York Stock Exchange
Harnessing the Power of the Purse
Credit Suisse
Easing Racial Tensions at Work


Hear Sylvia's latest interview with Mary Killelea on the 2B Bolder podcast
2B Bolder Podcast : Career Insights for the Next Generation of Women in Business & Tech
Play Episode 104
2B Bolder Logo


Sylvia's most recent article in the Harvard Business Review
Why Companies Must Recommit to the Fight for LGBTQ+ Rights
Read Here
Harvard Business Review
Recent news:
Sylvia at Hussein Convention
Sylvia Ann Hewlett speaks at Arab Women Leaders Conference on Dead Sea.
Hewlett Consulting Partners offers a wide range of solutions to improve your company's diversity and inclusiveness
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